The Uncomfortable Truth about Growth

Liz Fair
4 min readFeb 2, 2021

I’m going to let you in on a little secret about growth.

It isn’t glamorous.

It can be a strenuous and draining process at times.

When you begin shedding layers of yourself, you’ll inevitably hit a period in which you look flaky and disheveled — a mix of old and new.

A very raw moment of “in-between”.
Much like a snake, shedding it’s skin.

It’s the moment where you have to decide whether to continue to shed, or instead try to piece back together the old skin — an old skin that will be tight and uncomfortable, but at the very least, familiar.

And damn don’t we love the familiar.

And this growth? It won’t be a one off.

Life is a long cycle in which we come back to this unglamorous in between over and over again.

And the choice will be fully yours — to be patient enough to push through the less than glamorous periods while you release a layer that’s covering you up,
or to continue to hide behind parts of yourself that feel safer and more comfortable, at the risk of never seeing what you’re truly capable of when you allow yourself to take up space,
imperfectly, in this world.



Liz Fair

Savoring the scenic way home, and unravelling life through words.