The only Guarantee in Life

Liz Fair
3 min readJan 26, 2021

A lesson from the Ocean & her Tides.

If there is one thing I’ve come to understand in my (humble) 26 years as a human on this planet, it’s that there truly isn’t much guaranteed to any of us in our time here.

Anytime I think I’ve gotten a grasp on myself or the world around me, the ground swaps with the ceiling and suddenly I’m right back where I started — utterly confused.

But as the old saying goes, if there’s one thing we can depend on at all in this fickle, fast world — it’s change.

The bitter sweet inevitability that we will all get a regular taste of in this feast that is life.

There will be times when this truth goes down smooth as honey, leaving a trail of euphoria from the tip of the tongue to the tips of the toes.
A new relationship.
An exciting move.
Boarding a plane to a new adventure.
The dream job.

And then there will be times when it goes down bitter & sharp, leaving a dull burn that sits at the back of the throat and slowly pools behind the eyes.
A break up.
A career change you didn’t ask for.
A reluctant move.



Liz Fair

Savoring the scenic way home, and unravelling life through words.