A wild Notion

Liz Fair
2 min readFeb 15, 2021

And words on loving yourself.

Photo taken by Brynn Pedrick off of the Blue Ridge Parkway

And should it be a ‘wild’ notion
To spend more time
Worshipping this body,
Than belittling it,
Then may I remain
Forever Untamed.
-Liz Fair


We currently live in a day and age where there’s something a bit unnerving about a woman who dares to love herself (especially to love her body).

When we find ourselves witness to it, we often think, “what gives her the right?” and “wow, she’s so full of herself”.

We have been conditioned to believe that a woman who openly loves herself is ‘wrong’. We label her as ‘vain’, ‘conceited’, and ‘self obsessed’. Leaving us with this idea that it must be a radical notion for a woman to feel kindly or positively about herself.

And we have taken to calling women “brave” for showing their bodies in their natural form or for airing their ‘flaws’, yet loving themselves anyways.

But if I should have daughters, I don’t want it to require bravery for them to love themselves.
In order to be brave, one must first be afraid.
And it’s time to ditch this oppressive narrative that convinces women to feel afraid to openly love themselves.

Instead, it should feel as natural as breathing.

So here’s to all the women out there who are unlearning this conditioning.
Who will no longer see it as ‘wild’ or ‘radical’ to know or state her own worth.
And who is making space for other women to follow in her suit.

All my love today,
Liz Fair



Liz Fair

Savoring the scenic way home, and unravelling life through words.